Sand box analog models have been proved to be powerful tools for demonstrating the structural styles of extensional fault systems.
These structures form an extensional tectonic system that is genetically related to the formation of the detachment fault.
The reverse drag anticline traps and the nose shaped high trap in the hanging wall of growth fault in extensional basin are the major targets in oil and gas exploration.
Extensional fold is an important component part of tectonic deformation in tensional basins, which distributes widely, and mostly belongs to normal fault-related folds.
Based on volcanic activities and tectonic evolution, it is suggested that the tilted fault block, sliding structures in extensional setting should be developed in Cretaceous to Cenozoic age.
Typical extensional structural patterns, cut into a series of complex fault noses and fault blocks by faults of different levels, form under regional extension force in Biyang depression.
This model provides a new idea for revealing the internal relationships of complicated fault assemblages in an extensional tectonic system.
The Early-Middle Jurassic strata were probably deposited in an extensional basin above the Lapeiquan fault.
During extensional activities of Late Cretaceo us to Eogene, intense upwelling of asthenosphere happened under the fault zone, leading to lithospheric necking in pure shear mode1.
The extension of the continental lithosphere that gives rise to extensional basins is generally considered as a shear process on major, gently dipping normal fault.
The Tan Lu fault zone turned into a huge extensional structure during Late Cretaceous to Eogene, leading to a series of development of fault bounded basins.
The extensional simple shear model of the Chagan fault depression is established.
The Xinding basin in the north of Shanxi rift system is a normal fault-controlled extensional graben and has a strong neotectonic process during the Quaternary.
The Tan-Lu fault zone experienced intense extensional activities during the Late Cretaceous to the Early Paleogene. Thus, faulted basins were developed along the fault zone.
郯庐断裂带于晚白垩世至早第三纪经历了强烈的伸 展活动,普遍控制发育了断陷盆 地。
The Tan-Lu fault zone experienced intense extensional activities during the Late Cretaceous to the Early Paleogene. Thus, faulted basins were developed along the fault zone.
郯庐断裂带于晚白垩世至早第三纪经历了强烈的伸 展活动,普遍控制发育了断陷盆 地。