You're likely to find a better financing package from a lender with extensive knowledge of your industry and the property needs that go along with it.
Twenty-eight people were killed, and property damage was extensive in the immediate region.
Geographical indications is a special trademark identifying the origination, it's also an important Intellectual Property Rights which drawn extensive attention of the International Community.
Because of its special property, chlorinated paraffin-70 has been widely used and has extensive market prospect.
氯化石蜡- 70因其独特性能而得到广泛应用,并有着广阔的市场前景。
So robbery has become the crime that has the worst influence, the most extensive social harm and the greatest threaten to people's life and property.
Tropical Cyclone (TC) activity is an important feature of China's climate that can have important impacts on precipitation and can cause extensive property damage.
The thermal property of textiles is an important parameter related to human body comfort, and extensive research work has been done in this area.
International college students are pouring into London, deepening an extensive housing shortage. The result is that student housing is becoming another red-hot corner of the city's property market.
As one of the piezoelectricity materials, PVDF film has received extensive attention for its property advantages of low cost, good mechanical ability, high sensibility and so on.
The swelling property of the end product satisfies the commercial and practical requirement, resulting in extremely extensive application prospect.
Real estate the sale have become the house property company the management inside necessary a part, got the extensive research and application at the many nation.
Mineral insulating oil has extensive application in oil-immersed voltage equipment. It has excellent electric insulating property, high coolant capability and low cost.
While the case of "artist village" became the focus of debate on the validity of contracts, the recent debate of the property tax and the voice of name arise extensive concern in the society.
Furthermore, SOG has extensive applications in photovoltaics devices such as solar cell and liquid crystal display for prominent photovoltaics property, and SOG has induced more and more attention.
Meanwhile, it has nice self-lubricating property and ultra-low friction coefficient. It has been believed that it has extensive application in many areas.
The optical property of semiconductor heterostructures have received extensive attention in condensed matter physics in recent years.
S. and has the most extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any insurer.
AIG 仍然是美国最大的工商保险公司,仍 然在全球拥有最为广泛的财险与寿险分支机构。
Due to its excellent performance, such as bandwidth, power dissipation, noise immunity and opening property, PCI wins rapidly increasing popularization and extensive applications.
Molybdenum has high mechnical property and hardness, but its low plasticity hinders its extensive use .
Molybdenum has high mechnical property and hardness, but its low plasticity hinders its extensive use .