The extra parameter is the index in the array.
The extra parameter might no longer be in use.
It now takes an extra parameter compared to 2.4.
Passing the extra parameter can increase the overhead of the function call.
The publish_service method that takes the extra parameter is shown in Listing 10.
The extra parameter could also always have the same value when called from your module.
The publish_bindingTemplate() method that takes the extra parameter is shown in Listing 12.
publish_bindingTemplate()方法采用附加参数,如 清单12所示。
You pass this information to the API by passing the Employee class as an extra parameter.
Because a map requires all targets to have a mapping, you can assign some default value to the extra parameter.
Also, unlike the earlier examples, a class array in this scenario is included as an extra parameter to the intercept method.
The properties are really methods because they take an extra parameter that specifies the component to apply the property to.
This paper gave another algorithm which can solve in simplex table and do not need add extra parameter, but only use another test number.
The method that does not take the extra parameter creates a new instance of the appropriate type and then calls the method that does take the extra parameter.
As mentioned above, the difference between the methods of each pair is that one method takes an instance of the appropriate UDDI4J type as an extra parameter.
It seems a little clumsy to equip all my methods with this extra parameter in order to know which of my methods originated the call to the outside method.
Since customerid is an attribute in the original customer profile that was sent to the client, there is no need to send an extra parameter for the customer id in the request.
One solution to this problem is to equip the other methods, which the methods are using, with an extra parameter, telling which method is using the other method at a given time.
A point to note here is that if this approach is followed, the calls to the original UDF will have to be modified so that they now execute the stored procedure, and supply an extra OUT parameter.
This parameter is optional: if you don't specify extra keywords, all is assumed.
It is a common Ajax hack to add an extra timestamp parameter to Ajax GET requests (or even worse to use POST when GET is appropriate) to avoid browsers caching a response.
The extra String parameter supplied to jMock CGLIB's mock() method is used as an identifier for the mock object created.
提供给jMockCGLIB 的mock()方法的附加String参数被用作创建的模拟对象的标识符。
The options parameter provides an extra means of debugging and adjusts the lookup function to your liking
It would be acceptable if an extra overload was generated that used this parameter.
If the problem is an expression that is too complex to be generalized, make it into a function by adding an extra, unused parameter.
The Ice protocol provides a mechanism for implicit propagation of contextual information such as versioning, so we need not pollute all our object interfaces by adding an extra version parameter.
A three element model of lumped parameter in peripheral extra corporeal circulation of an animal has been proposed and set up according to the fluid network theory.
A three element model of lumped parameter in peripheral extra corporeal circulation of an animal has been proposed and set up according to the fluid network theory.