First in line often commands an extra price for the same good.
Consumers know that if it doesn't come with the RFID tag, which looks like an extra price tag, then it isn't the real thing.
It's worth the effort and extra price compared to other Thailand restaurants, if your up for a high scale food experience and classy decor.
Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale at a better price.
Arbitrageurs could buy the high-interest currency today, lock in a future sale at the same price and pocket the extra interest from holding the currency until the forward contract is settled.
The extra hardware and software costs start to push the price of a netbook towards that of a standard laptop, which will invariably be better because it has a bigger processor and superior graphics.
硬件和软件的特别支出会将小本的价格推至标准笔记本的价格。 但标准的笔记本由于配备了更大的处理器和更优的显卡,依然胜过小本。
But the creation of extra money in one country ought also, other things being equal, to drive down its price in terms of other currencies.
That said, demand for renewables elsewhere might increase, as Germany's extra use of fossil fuels pushed up the price of carbon in Europe's emissions-trading scheme.
Hospitals have also proved adept in the past at evading price controls on particular drugs by prescribing other medicines or unnecessary extra tests and treatments.
In case there is no indication of the extra service charges and the specified sum shall be regarded that the relative charges have been included in the price of the products.
The guy sold the extra petrol for that low price and told me he didn't have any.
The extra millions who died as a result of malnutrition-related diseases when the price of grain rose last year did so largely because we took their food to put in our tanks.
So Ms. Price doubled down on ingredients, creating a beefier patty and adding some extra toppings. She sold it for $4.
The extra work it can produce when the script goes wrong is probably a fair price to pay.
Since gas provides the extra power needed when demand rises, the gas price sets the electricity price. Costly gas has therefore made existing nuclear plants tremendously profitable.
Offer a special deal, extra service or a lower price during your trial/introductory period.
Ms Kamakahi argues that any price that does not take that extra commitment and suffering into account is a price that is restrained.
The average extra loss was then used to rank the five price frames. Shoppers were worst off under drip pricing, followed by time-limited offers, baiting, sales and complex pricing.
We asked family and friends for help, and we arranged to take on extra work. The next day, we called to make a new offer, slightly higher than our first one, still shy of the owner's counter price.
I would rather pay the same price for a smaller apartment but nicer floors, Windows, kitchens, etc - especially because the extra space would just be wasted.
Versions of the iPad with built in 3G connectivity willcost an extra US$130, ranging in price from US$629 to US$829.
Since gas provides the extra power needed when demand rises, the gas price sets the electricity price.
After the company raised the price of its DVD and streaming media plan by 60%, it had to draft hundreds of extra customer service reps to handle the floods of irate callers.
It's easy to see why; a few extra dollars is a small price to pay for better health!
Price decreases come inexorably with volume, he argues, so subsidies simply help to speed the process up by stimulating extra sales.
They might try getting you to spend some extra, but if you stay firm to your price max then they won’t push it because they are all so desperate right now that they won’t want to make you leave.
Three years ago, the company negotiated with a potential customer who asked for a better price and extra brewing equipment.
I bought the picture at an extra high price.
I bought the picture at an extra high price.