The question of extraterrestrial civilizations seems to me entirely open.
If advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are out there, why haven't they made themselves known by now?
Where extraterrestrial civilizations may be rare, there is something that is seemingly rarer still: A girlfriend.
In the Universe there are many RACES and kinds of extraterrestrial civilizations, who look the same or look completely different than we do.
This puts us in a position, for the first time, to say something definitive about extraterrestrial civilizations — if we ask the right question.
The whole time we have been searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, we have mainly been waiting for messages from space and not the other way, " he said."
They're evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, time travelers or lost civilizations like Atlantis - or perhaps they're here to show us that some ancient peoples were far more advanced than we think.
They're evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, time travelers or lost civilizations like Atlantis - or perhaps they're here to show us that some ancient peoples were far more advanced than we think.