If you think of locations, there tends to be eye movement that occurs with your thinking about that location.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.
As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.
The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when most vivid dreams occur as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.
The caffeine, the equivalent of two strong cups of coffee, was sufficient to reverse this effect, with some cyclists even displaying increased eye movement speeds.
The variations in eye movement and operation delay were studied during the fixation training of two macaca mulatta.
The results in fewer steps and less eye movement to accomplish the same goal.
In this case, it is not possible for users to miss it and there is no extra eye movement needed to read it.
Then, in REM sleep (the rapid eye movement period when most dreaming occurs), it calls up bits of older memories that are somehow related, and melds them together.
But after training two macaques to memorize an eye movement task and having them repeat it back, the MIT team thinks it has found exactly where the time-stamping is taking place.
Healthy people rotate between three states of vigilance: wakefulness, rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep.
Alcohol can worsen insomnia and also impair rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the time when the body is in its restorative phase.
Then REM sleep emerges, rapid eye movement sleep.
Vivid, emotional and often very weird dreams are typical of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which makes up about 20 per cent of our sleep.
Make the Sandman your best friend when you use these tips to achieve REM, or rapid eye movement sleep — and experience its restorative benefits.
Some researchers theorize that the REM, or rapid eye movement, phase of sleep is when the brain produces and consolidates neural networks for memory and cognition.
That something, Dr Tononi believes, is non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) or slow-wave sleep.
They used eye movement trackers to monitor where the participants were looking when interpreting the EXPRESSIONS.
The results of the study add to the growing body of evidence that Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is crucial to the brain's ability to lay down and consolidate memories.
Dreams occur in both rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, and non-REM sleep.
And don't wake up earlier than usual to study; this could interfere with the rapid-eye-movement sleep that aids memory, he says.
The amount of detail that users of this ability are able to retain after waking up depends if the dream was during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep or not.
Now a study says that there is no connection between eye movement and lying. The work is in the journal Public Library of Science ONE.
The research team trained two macaque monkeys to perform a simple eye-movement task.
The research team trained two macaque monkeys to perform a simple eye-movement task.