The short range of the induction-loop antenna in the lens means the external antenna has to be very close to the eye: taped around the eye socket, in fact.
Lead author Eiluned Pearce said: "We found a positive relationship between absolute latitude and both eye socket size and cranial capacity."
Injured O'Shea (hamstring, 19 Nov), Campbell (knee, Dec), Mignolet (nose/fractured eye socket, Jan), Gordon (knee, Feb)
He had a black patch over his right eye socket, a prosthetic left arm and a deformed right hand, the result of injuries from an explosives mishap during an old operation against the Soviets in Kabul.
他右眼罩着一只黑色眼罩,左臂安着义肢,右手畸形- - -这些都是过去他在喀布尔跟苏军打游击时,因一次意外爆炸事故而留下的纪念。
Some features of her skull, such as the ridge above the eye socket, are quite different from those of chimpanzees.
It's not just their tiny swatches of hair that make eyebrows special; it's also their shape in relation to the eye socket.
Schmitz and Motani measured the inner and outer dimensions of this ring, plus the size of the eye socket, in 33 fossils of dinosaurs, ancestral birds and pterosaurs.
Pick close to where you want the edge of the eye socket to be for each eye. You can currently create only two holes.
Zuccotti's cancer had spread to her liver and a bone near her right eye socket.
This one-eyed beggar, for a few coins, would show her empty eye socket which she kept covered with a leaf.
Finger through the eye socket - try to hook around and pop the eye out.
Detrick said the switch ended up sending her to the emergency room with a broken leg and fractured eye socket after she had a seizure while riding her bike.
Flash in the eye socket tears express you don't give up, too many oath does not represent what, but you must rest assured, I won't let you down.
Online top-selling pure Chinese medicine and plant essence with cream. Very clear, no side effects, can remove the black eye socket.
Relax the muscle and never system of eyes, accelerate grow of cell. Recover the flexibility of skin, eliminate black eye socket and extra fat. Keep the skin wet.
Massage for detumescence: Press five fingers over eye socket. Move fingers up and down between eyebrow and eyelid, then between tip of the eyebrow and temple.
Objective to analysis the key points of postoperative nursing of eye socket reconstruction with free flap.
Experiments have shown that hybrid level set model has very good performance in the segmentation of eye socket.
So of hold a cellular phone, the eye socket is red, a words didn't say.
Methods a homemade hydroxyapatite artificial eye pedestal was implanted into the eye socket without eyeball in every patient.
The tears spin in the eye socket; The pledge actually already ash for a lifetime flies the smoke to extinguish.
There are just a couple of small places untouched by either light: the dark area where the nose meets the eye socket, and the hollows above and below the ear.
Spreads with the cream-colored eye shadow in bride's eye socket, is also the eyelash to the low-lying place place.
Is Chang-an red the eye socket point nod, Zuan in the hand of tightly.
Stable nodal points are those that do not fluctuate with weight or expression, such as eye socket depth.
Say, the eye socket is anew a rupture of and dismal water vapor.
Say, the eye socket is anew a rupture of and dismal water vapor.