But if that ground is, indeed, sloping, it means that the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle instead of face on.
For instance, an a-line Bob is styled in an Angle that frames the face.
It is not enough to retrieve your grandmother's face; a memory must identify it when you see her profile in a wholly different light and from a different Angle.
But on a hillside that means the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle, instead of face on.
We see their faces from an Angle we ordinarily see a friend's face, up close, staring straight into our eyes.
This allows images of the actor's face, lit from every Angle, to be captured in eight seconds.
I'd seen the new face repeated in thought after thought from every angle.
I'd seen the new face repeated in thought after thought from every angle. just an ordinary human girl.
From this Angle embarking, the DVR manufacturer will face a time new opportunity.
It is definite a boring work, many people could not bear to face an egg and draw it in different Angle thousands times.
Using this device, the team created a digital model of Mr Molina's face that could be added to a computer-generated character and digitally lit from any Angle.
This method can detect human face quickly under the complex background, and is not affected by the rotating Angle of a face.
In Chili's "A Series of Novels about Life", she gives a faithful description of common people's daily life with bravery of face to face with life and calmness of narrative angle.
It is the Angle between the face of the tool called the rake face and the normal to the machining direction.
I move my pillow to the foot of Grandma's bed and Angle my face towards the open window.
However, what we face are our customers from a business angle. Authetic service is the key factor to win the customer.
The research result in the paper shows that accurate tool face angle can still be obtained under this circumstance.
Series GS roller screen which screen face is a plane and all obliquities have the same angle.
These are used when the subject's face is oriented at an angle.
Tests are conducted to find the rules how such cutting parameters as cutting depth, cutting speed and feedrate per blade as well as the cutting angle affect on the life of face mill.
The measure theories and methods of tilt angle and face angle are introduced combining with the composing principle and design of the transmitter of No-Dig navigating instrument.
The on-the-spot application showed that it is very effective for pulse ventilation in prevention and control of accumulated gas at the upper corner angle of coal face.
At this point the dial gauge extension is positioned exactly at a right Angle to the front face of the pinion head.
The effects of cutting area, contact arc length, the geometry of cutting face, back dip angle of PDC cutter and rock performance on force of PDC cutter breaking rock were simulated experimentally.
After posting this piece in a forum, someone pointed out the angle of her face was a bit flat, so I went back and altered it a bit.
Based on analyzing the gear parameters, the grinding of the gear face with an end face of the grinding wheel was realized by changing the rotating Angle of rotating table.
The angle of the jaw increases markedly with age, which results in a loss of definition of the lower border of the face, according to the study.
Combining with the actual situation in coal face, expound the key technology for large inclined Angle thin seam face so as to assure that slided coal can't come in goaf.
Combining with the actual situation in coal face, expound the key technology for large inclined Angle thin seam face so as to assure that slided coal can't come in goaf.