You can place a hot wash cloth over your face for 5 minutes and then follow up with a gentle face scrub.
After all, what does a hungry fish care if the microplastic clogging its gut has come from a face scrub or a washing powder?
I am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.
If you need a good facial scrub, you can coarsely grind some coffee beans and use them to scrub your face. They have great exfoliating properties.
Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red and raw.
Thoroughly mix one-half cup of oatmeal, one egg, a tablespoon of honey, and two tablespoons of orange juice all together, and gently scrub your face with it.
Place a small amount of the Pearl Exfoliating Scrub on tips of fingers, and gently massage the entire face until small granule comes out. Rinse thoroughly with water. Use 1-2 times per week.
使用方法:洗脸前取少量搓匀于面部,轻揉片刻至有小颗粒出现,然后用清水洗净即可,每周使用1 - 2次。
Place a small amount of the Pearl Exfoliating Scrub on tips of fingers, and gently massage the entire face until small granule comes out. Rinse thoroughly with water. Use 1-2 times per week.
使用方法:洗脸前取少量搓匀于面部,轻揉片刻至有小颗粒出现,然后用清水洗净即可,每周使用1 - 2次。