The patient will undergo physical therapy to regain use of her face; the nerves should regenerate in three to six months, Siemionow said.
But after about the second or third year of conducting the academies, officers learned citizens really are interested in the challenges police face and the training they undergo.
Zhang Yiyi will undergo 10 surgeries over a 10-month period to sculpt his face into the spitting image of the British playwright, the Shanghai Daily reported.
Here Edmond was to undergo another trial; he was to find out whether he could recognize himself, as he had not seen his own face for fourteen years.
Wang must now undergo therapy to improve her speech, learn to chew properly and get used to other new functions of her face, the report said.
Miranda Otto had to undergo numerous fittings to finally settle on a helmet that disguised her face yet revealed enough of it so that the audience would know who she was.
A literary work without prolonged glamour will lose its value in the face of literature, only the excellent glamorous one will undergo the test of the time and will not be eliminated.
A literary work without prolonged glamour will lose its value in the face of literature, only the excellent glamorous one will undergo the test of the time and will not be eliminated.