It was recommended for nearly every nature literary class, including the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, and it in fact won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988.
The book intermingles fact with fiction.
The book intermingles fact and fiction.
Despite the fact that I have tried to be objective, the book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences.
"In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago," Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined.
In fact, the book has been made into a movie, but I'm just not interested.
In fact, I didn't finish the book.
In fact, I don't enjoy a book that has only good people who never do anything wrong, because it's just not real life.
In fact, she was out of work before the first book Harry Potter came out.
Whereas Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are driven mad by their crime, the hero of this book is only driven mad by the fact that he hesitated and might not have committed his crime.
Yet the task Mr Pyle in fact took on is still a worthwhile one, and the book he has written to fulfil it is outstanding.
In fact, the Guinness Book of World Records once called it that.
My imagination boggled at the punishment I would deserve if in fact I did abuse a book of Mrs. Flowers'.
The book was mostly rot, I knew that, but it was founded on historical fact.
There's no ignoring the fact that the e-book will, not too far from now, compete with the paperback; and the likelihood is that some readers won't just use them to read.
One could write a book on this a topic, and in fact, a number of people have!
In fact, the title of his book could be drawn from his own life.
In fact, the famous frontispiece of the book, which is reproduced in your edition, although it is not altogether very clear.
In fact, explains Richard Mabey in this delightful and casually learned book, they are in precisely the right place for themselves: next to us.
In fact, in the software book market, a reader is nearly always a user; the popularity of tutorial-style books proves it.
This is not, in fact, such a book.
If you are part of a process improvement effort, I expect you will use it as I do, as a reminder and guide — in fact as a comprehensive reference book for CMMI.
In fact, I would suggest skipping parts of a book that you don't need.
In fact, many of the students said to me, Professor Williams, why don't you write a book?
Prof Kubiatowicz's findings are based on the fact that, while downloading an e-book does not change the number of electrons in an e-reader, those electrons holding data have a higher level of energy.
Prof Kubiatowicz's findings are based on the fact that, while downloading an e-book does not change the number of electrons in an e-reader, those electrons holding data have a higher level of energy.