President Chen, faculty and students of Beijing Foreign Studies university.
Academics: Computer engineering is difficult but has amazing faculty and students.
I hold adjunct faculty positions that give me an opportunity to interact with faculty and students.
Feel free to ask questions or prompt discussion among faculty and students as part of your presentation.
Higher institution sanitation section is mainly responsible for all of faculty and students medical treatment.
Research income from industry and the international makeup of the faculty and students also factor in slightly.
They started meeting each other a few times a week, but they were not discreet and were soon the talk of both the faculty and students.
RESOURCES. Does the school possess the finances, qualified faculty and students, programs of study and facil-ities it needs to carry out its mission?
I heard from the returning students she was such a magnet to faculty and students alike, a master of communications, and a lady of charisma and passion.
This party "beautiful new world, harmous sisterhood" is of a distinct campus culture. It expresses our faculty and students' sincere blessing to all the guests here.
Construction of safe campus" is necessary for the safety of faculty and students and for stability and it is important part of the construction of harmonious campus".
On behalf of the faculty and students of this university, I wish to say a word of hearty appreciation to Mr. Smith for the very instructive lecture he has just given us on —.
On behalf of the faculty and students of this university, I wish to say a word of hearty appreciation to Mr. Smith for the very instructive lecture he has just given us on the World.
史密斯先生刚为我们演讲“世界中的台湾”谨代表本大学全校师生, 滤布为这篇受益良多的演讲,向史密斯先生表示衷心的感谢。
Harbin Institute of Technology faculty and students are all full of confidence, a concerted effort to comprehensive, research-based, international goal of a world-class university Endeavor.
In fact, international ranking organizations care most about a university's performance in academic peer review, student-to-faculty ratio, and the presence of international faculty and students.
The implementation of academic freedom has brought a free atmosphere to the American university campuses, and thus both the faculty and students feel a strong sense of mission and responsibility.
Recently I attended several meetings where we talked about ways to retain students and keep younger faculty members from going elsewhere.
Students risk health and well being, as well as performance in other end-of-term work, when faculty offers take-home exams without clear, time-limited boundaries.
Students risk health and well-being, as well as performance in other end-of-term work, when faculty offers take-home exams without clear, time-limited boundaries.
We expect universities to be fair to their students, to their employees, to their faculty, and pretty clear what some of those problems are.
In the 1960s and 1970s, European universities saw marked changes in their governance arrangements, with empowerment of junior faculty and to some degree of students as well.
Only college students and faculty members could use the books.
The largest and most important private libraries are operated by colleges and universities and are used by students, faculty members, and occasionally by visiting scholars.
Students, faculty and staff members filled the bins with filler paper.
Still, Faust warned in an E-mail to faculty, staff and students that "we must recognize that Harvard is not invulnerable to the seismic financial shocks in the larger world."
Still, Faust warned in an E-mail to faculty, staff and students that "we must recognize that Harvard is not invulnerable to the seismic financial shocks in the larger world."