The earnings of the average American have failed to keep pace with the rate of inflation.
Overlords' income, despite the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed to keep pace with their expenses.
In South Africa, as in many developing and newly industrialized countries, legislation on air pollution has failed to keep pace with mushrooming industries.
Price increases failed to keep pace with rising costs.
The supply of skilled workers has failed to keep pace with demand, so the college wage premium (see chart) has increased.
Official retirement ages have failed to keep pace with rising life expectancy, making pensions increasingly unaffordable.
I have very bad memories of not opening on how to do that »failed to keep pace with progress … we need to work to help guide guidance oh.
Higher wages are not, by themselves, a bad thing, especially in a country like China where pay has for years failed to keep pace with rapid productivity growth.
Higher wages are not, by themselves, a bad thing, especially in a country like China where pay has for years failed to keep pace with rapid productivity growth.
They failed to keep pace with the surge in spending despite being boosted by buoyant revenues from a booming financial sector and frothy property markets (see chart 2).
With the decentralization of urban population living increase, the traditional model of community management gradually failed to keep pace with the trend of The Times.
Costs were up sharply, access to care deteriorated, health system efficiency remained low, disparities persisted, and health outcomes failed to keep pace with benchmarks.
Critics of the fund say it's failed to keep up with the pace of change as the worldwide recession deepens.
Critics of the fund say it's failed to keep up with the pace of change as the worldwide recession deepens.