Based on the moment estimation of limit state function for calculation of failure probability, a new reliability sensitivity analysis method is presented.
Based on the model, a failure probability analysis method of crack growth is presented which takes the randomness of inclusions' position into consideration.
For fuzzy reliability analysis with fuzzy failure state and fuzzy safety state, a moment method is proposed to calculate fuzzy failure probability.
In response to the complexity of calculation for failure probability regarding fatigue crack growth life, a method for reliability analysis based on neural network response surface was presented.
For general reliability analysis with fuzzy failure state and fuzzy safety state, moment method is proposed to calculate general failure probability.
Reliability theory is induced in slope stability analysis, which is called slope reliability analysis. The purpose of slope reliability analysis is calculating the slope failure probability.
For general reliability analysis with fuzzy failure and safety state, line sampling method is presented to calculate general failure probability.
A systematical analysis on LPG explosion type and cause during storage and transportation of LPG is made. A Failure Tree Method is used to find the explosion probability and cause.
Chapter 1 briefly reviews the necessity and character of structural systems reliability analysis as well as the existing approaches of estimating the failure probability of structural systems.
Therefore, it is necessary to specially research the optimization for support structure of tunnel and failure probability analysis for tunnel surrounding rock deformation.
A risk evaluation system should be set up based on their failure probability analysis and the economic and life loss of tailings reservoir failures.
Thirdly, calculation method and step for the probability of the element in safety state, intermediate state and failure state are given which is based on the general reliability analysis.
Thirdly, calculation method and step for the probability of the element in safety state, intermediate state and failure state are given which is based on the general reliability analysis.