Personal photos show Faisal Shahzad smiling. And why not?
Upon returning to Singapore in 2005, Faisal dedicated himself to social work.
Saud bin al-Faisal said the two nations enjoy many common ideas in international relations.
Now investigators have been working to piece together a complete picture of Faisal Shahzad.
Saudi prince Faisal (see photo) said he is close to securing a 50% stake in the Liverpool Football Club.
3rd Floor, Block A, Finance & Trade Centre P. O. Box No. 1293, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 75200 Pakistan.
The would-be Times Square bomber, Faisal Shehzad, boasts an MBA and is the son of a senior Pakistani air-force officer.
The suspect Faisal Shahzad is a us citizen born in Pakistan accused of planting a car bomb in Times Square that malfunctioned.
In a typical ploy, the nazim of the southern Punjabi city of Multan, Faisal Mukhtar, promised property rights to slum-dwellers in the city.
I found a good summary of the relevant keys to business operational excellence in a new book by Faisal Hoque, called "The Power of Convergence."
费梭·侯克(FaisalHoque)在新书《融合的力量》(The Powerof Convergence)中,对企业卓越运营相关的关键之处进行了很好的总结。
Prince Al-Faisal said his country supports the objectives of the security plan. But he said he could not comment on the means that will be applied.
Saud al - Faisal王子支持保安计划的目标,但他不愿对该计划将采用的方式加以评论。
Al Faisal, nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Khalid, teamed up with French engineer Georges Mougin to create an ill-fated company based on tapping iceberg water.
The murder in 1958 of his cousin Faisal, king of Iraq, who was six months older than he was, seemed to presage the inevitable demise of the House of Hashem elsewhere.
1958年,比他长半年并身为伊拉克国王的表哥费索(Faisal)被谋杀,这起谋杀事件似乎预示了其它地方的神殿(House of Hashem)必然遗赠给他。
Faisal Hossain, an engineer at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, has led several recent studies on 633 DAMS and about 100 rainfall nearby stations.
Later Andrew, who's office has confirmed he dined with Gadaffi in November 2008, told Faisal it was the finest meal he had ever had and posed for a picture with him.
Al-Awlaki's other followers include the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.
Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al Faisal told al Arabiya TV that rebuilding Gaza would be "difficult and fool-hardy, so long as peace and security do not prevail" in the territory.
Batarfi’s recollection is corroborated by Jamal Khashoggi, a former acquaintance of bin Laden’s who is now an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
Faisal Al Suwaidi, the boss of Qatargas, wagered a decade ago that a massive boost in production would create a market large enough for his country’s main asset, the world’s biggest known gasfield.
Faisal Al Suwaidi, the boss of Qatargas, wagered a decade ago that a massive boost in production would create a market large enough for his country’s main asset, the world’s biggest known gasfield.