I realized then that I would have to "fake it to make it."
When it comes to poor self-confidence, sometimes you just need to fake it to make it.
If you knew that only domains with your Banks' names in the suffix were legitimate, it would make it harder for scammers to trick you by steering you to a fake site.
If I can make you not notice that it happens to be out of biodegradable fake suede, if I can make you not notice that it hasn't killed cows or goats or unborn baby lambs, then I'm doing my job.
Sometimes you have to fake confidence, posture, or a smile-fake it until you make it!
Case number two – the milk might be fake, for example, it was made of starches rather than a cow's fresh milk. Or edible coloring agents may have been added to make it appear white.
And so I want to say to you, don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it.
You've got to fake it until you make it, so it's better to fake it as the most accomplished person you could imagine.
Or, fake it til 'you make it, as in, pretend to be making something until you actually make something.
Even if you don't feel like it at first, "fake it 'til you make it" and soon you will actually begin to feel happy again.
For instance, if someone buys some fake medicines, it may not cure him of his illness, on the contrary, it may probably make his illness worse or even put an end to his life.
If men have a more limited emotional system, this may make it easier for them to fake it.
If men have a more limited emotional system, this may make it easier for them to fake it.