His fall from grace in the 1980s, followed by his return to Apple in 1996 after a period in the wilderness, is an inspiration to any businessperson whose career has taken a turn for the worse.
More recently, the caution born of that fall from grace spared them the huge subprime-loan losses that have hobbled their American and European peers.
Chen has suffered a spectacular fall from grace and some of the starlets in the photos have endured public disgrace in this culturally conservative region. For some, careers have been left in ruins.
But his abrasive style also made enemies who were stunned by his fall from grace but not prepared to support any attempt by him to stay in office.
Yesterday, things looked rather different for the world's number one golfer when he was divorced by his wife, Elin Nordegren, after a spectacular fall from grace.
But when they are finally rumbled and it is revealed that they have been incompetent, stupid, lazy and so on, the fall from grace is ugly.
Their fall from grace came as a shock to Cuba-watchers and has prompted conspiracy theories.
Notice he's not saying that you're going to fall away from grace if you sin.
The story covers all the main moments of September 2008: the expletive-laced fall from grace of Dick Fuld, played by James Woods;
电影故事涵盖了2008年9月的主要事件:James Woods扮演从万民敬仰到遭受各种咒骂的迪克.富尔德;
Sokol's fall from grace continued when Buffett, formerly supportive of Sokol, said in April at Berkshire's annual shareholder's meeting that Sokol's actions were "inexplicable and inexcusable."
The fact that 9.5% of spending now goes to prisons while only 5.7% goes to universities—25 years ago, prisons got 4% and universities 11%—is indeed a harsh indicator of California’s fall from grace.
而现在的财政预算中有9.5%划给监狱,大学只有5.7%。 (25年前,监狱系统有4%,大学有11%。)
But public response invariably implies pity, as if it's a fall from grace.
Fall-from-Grace: You know, Nordrom, you are perhaps the cutest little rogue modron I have ever encountered.
Fall-from-Grace: Morte, what are you again? I don't believe you ever said.
It has been a steep fall from grace for Passarella, the man who captained Argentina's World Cup winning squad in 1978.
To envious observers, Ireland's fall from grace is an overdue payback for its previous swift rise.
But public response invariably implies pity, as if it's a fall from grace.
ARMAND: That is the very spirit of your age. The heart of it. Your fall from grace has been the fall of a century.
Angered by their fall from grace, Zeus chose to punish them by destroying Atlantis.
This ultimately caused the red race to fall into the dance of polarity of extremes or "fall from grace".
He had been the king's favourite, and his sudden fall from grace surprised everyone.
Uranus in the tenth can also produce sudden changes in your own social status, such as an abrupt and disastrous fall from grace, which can result from letting your activities get out of control.
But unlikely as it may seem now, these things may be transient, and should they fall from grace one day touch wood!
Smart woman, be hidden, slowly waiting to fall from grace; and intelligent woman, be hidden, cut and polish the wings, let that man be feet step…
The San Siro giants' fall from grace has provided some juicy newspaper headlines, but the Dutchman claims it'll only help them along, including reports that Paolo Maldini will retire this summer.
Fall-from-Grace: Of course! That's why you're so cute.
Thus, the aim of the report is to clarify the roots of the Fiat Auto 'fall from grace and to give some recommendations to improve the situation.
Fall-from-Grace: Morte, I'm curious... What are you?
Fall-from-Grace: Morte, I'm curious... What are you?