In this way, the alarm load is reduced dramatically and the system false positives rate falls.
Dr Tourassi has found that her system can reliably distinguish tumour masses from normal tissues, and has a lower rate of false positives than systems based on feature extraction.
39 Thus, polygraph tests suffer from a high rate of "false positives" - innocent people whom the test deems guilty.40.
Let's assume that it's impossible not to be fooled at least some of the time - that when assessing patients' sincerity, we should expect a certain rate of false positives.
我们假设,至少在某些时候我们不可能不被糊弄- - -比如,在评估病人的是否诚实时,我们应该想到会有一定比率的误诊。
The empirical results manifest that the system can achieve a higher detection rate and a low rate of false positives, with adaptability and scalability, and effectively reduce the demand for memory.
One problem with MRIs is that they have a quite high rate of false positives... that is why the recommendation is for women at very high risk of developing breast cancer.
Through information fusion of the evidence theory module, false positives are decreased and the detection rate is improved.
Though using evidence theory module to fuse all output vectors of 4 RBF nets, false positives are decreased and the detection rate is improved.
In order to enhance detection and reduce the rate of false positives we recommend that you send the file to our virus lab for further analysis.
In order to enhance detection and reduce the rate of false positives we recommend you to send the file to our virus lab for further analysis.
The experiments verify that the use of amplitude-limiting filtering algorithm WSN data pretreatment has better leverage error rate, the rate of false positives search even lower.
The experiments verify that the use of amplitude-limiting filtering algorithm WSN data pretreatment has better leverage error rate, the rate of false positives search even lower.