The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved.
When Mariam arrived at the Women for Afghan Women shelter in 2007, the group's lawyers took her case to family court.
In what will be a landmark ruling on English family law, Mr Granatino is now challenging this in the country's highest court.
She cited a number of court cases that showed organizations like Lutheran Child Family Services must follow statewide anti-discrimination laws, including when it comes to foster care or adoption.
Granting her application, a family court judge said the husband had been picking arguments with his wife for more than four years "on the grounds that she was seeing Hindi serials on TV channels".
The girl's family decided not to press charges, but the Marine faces a possible court martial.
虽然这名少女的家人决定不提出起诉,但是这名士兵可能面临军事法庭审判 。
Even if a marriage is doomed, the trend in family law is to resolve the dispute out of court, typically through mediation.
In childhood, he had toured the market with the family cook; despite his boorishness, his background was aristocratic, and his father an officer at court.
Onlya victim or his family can initiate a court action.
US and European sanctions targeting members of the family have little practical effect, but a reference to the International Criminal Court will give those doing their bidding pause for thought.
美欧方面针对该家族成员的制裁起不了什么实际效果,但是把事情提交到国际刑事法庭(International Criminal Court)将让那些奉他们之命行事的人犯起踌躇。
When Mr Bush picked John Roberts to sit on the Supreme Court in July, the impression of him as eminently well-qualified, conservative but not ideological, and a calm family man, stuck from day one.
The Crowninshield brothers were the disreputable scions of an eminent Salem family. Richard, according to court transcripts, was known to favor Salem’s “haunts of vice.”
"It was a malicious crime that cleverly took advantage of a mentality for revering the imperial court and imperial family," Kyodo news agency quoted judge Takaaki Oshima as saying.
日本共同社援引该案法官Takaaki O shima的话说:“这是一场居心叵测的犯罪,罪犯利用了人们对皇室法庭和皇室家族的尊敬。”
His family says they'll go to court to secure his release.
他的家人称,他们将向法庭申请ali Khan获释。
But they are becoming increasingly common - when the Guardian spent a day in a family court in London recently, eight out of 14 cases heard involved child abduction.
The Kercher family insisted they still had faith in the Perugia police, investigators and the court.
Reporters and family members were then ordered out of the courtroom for the verdict, which was relayed to them by defense attorneys and a court official.
TheKercher family insisted they still had faith in the Perugia police, investigators and the court.
Each week the court and its audience have continued to hear an array of bone-chilling testimonies from victims and their family members.
Reporters and family members were then ordered out of the c ourtroom for the verdict, which was relayed to them by defense attorneys and a court official.
Assiya's family members heard that she was in the police station, and a court granted their petition for her release and sent a bailiff to get her out.
Mediation is cheaper and better than court proceedings for most family disputes.
Even for those cases deemed less complex, magistrates in the family proceedings court take on average 45 weeks, which is more than 10 months.
OnTuesday, all the work paid off when Middelburg Family Court said there was noreason to extend the guardianship by another year.
The high court dismissed two claims for judicial review, dismaying McKinnon's family and supporters.
Another sensible reform would be to allow cases to come to court only after an attempt to settle them amicably outside it-the current emphasis in family-law disputes too.
Separating parents can do their children enormous harm by using them as a "battlefield" and "ammunition", a senior family court judge has warned.
The court said Mr. Li’s parents had paid 460, 000 renminbi, or nearly $70, 000, to the family of Chen Xiaofeng, a 20-year-old college student who was killed in the accident.
The court said Mr. Li’s parents had paid 460, 000 renminbi, or nearly $70, 000, to the family of Chen Xiaofeng, a 20-year-old college student who was killed in the accident.