Every family situation is different, but it is important that each family give adequate thought to planning its financial future.
As technology and society permit highly effective and generally acceptable methods of family planning there has been a decline in family size.
The document is non-binding, but it will serve as a guideline for countries and donor states that fund health care and family planning programmes.
The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life.
"Running a family household requires high-level planning and coordinating," she says.
Family planning experts worry in particular about the future population explosion in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The women guarantee one another's debts and meet every two weeks to make payments and discuss a social issue, like family planning or schooling for girls.
A nurse at the Centre for family Planning and Reproduction in Moscow holds up a newborn for excited family members waiting outside.
She noted that women are disproportionately affected by HIV and lack access to contraceptives and family planning, and she discussed the high rates of maternal mortality in many countries.
Republicans in Congress have gone on the warpath this budget season against family planning programs at home and abroad.
But, don \ 't forget, any job can help you grow as a person - dressing up as Santa Claus and sitting in a fairy grotto can help develop people skills and be an effective form of family planning.
You can use branding and marketing techniques to promote family planning, health education, physical fitness, compassion and charity.
Yet this year, Republicans in Congress have been trying to slash investments in family planning.
Compared with the technological investments needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally, the cost of meeting the current demand for family planning is cheap.
Maybe on Mother's Day, we could acknowledge that family planning is just as essential for humans as for horses.
The report cites a number of recent cases that have through the media controls that normally filter out stories about family planning excesses.
The study of more than 3000 mothers, commissioned by UK family planning company First Response, also found that two-thirds of women got pregnant more quickly than they expected.
Of these, around 4.4 billion condoms were used for family planning and 6.0 billion condoms for HIV prevention.28.
Responsibilities: Responsible for culture, education, health, family planning and other work.
Three decades of strict family-planning policies have exacerbated a traditional preference for boy children and contributed to a shortage of marriageable women.
Enforcers from the family planning bureau are said to have listed about 20 children as orphans - many of them from impoverished Longhui county.
A budget compromise last month cut international family planning spending by 5 percent, but some Republicans are expected to seek much bigger cuts in future years.
Thus Yuan Chaoren, a villager from Longhui county in Hunan province, describing in Caixinmagazine the behaviour of family-planning bureaucrats.
The National Health and Family Planning Commission said local health authorities should make efforts to ensure every family is signed up with a qualified doctor by the end of 2020.
The report says family planning and helping women avoid unwanted pregnancies are also ways to reduce poverty.
Of course, the greatest green action that Pope Francis could take is to embrace family planning.
The new midwives will also help educate mothers about family planning nutrition childcare and other health issues.
Where next for family planning?
Where next for family planning?