Since last December, the family has had assistance in the form of two World Bank supported grants of Rs5, 000 (about US$50) for living expenses.
Now he pays for the food, medical costs and living expenses of more than 80 members of his extended family.
What do you do for a living... to overcome economical expenses and to sustain your family?
Without the scholarship, the tuition and living expenses would cost most of my parents' savings and create a heavy burden on my family.
One furious family insider told us: "the monthly sum seems large, but this includes the kids' fees for schooling, clothes, food, staff, security and living expenses."
I have made enough money to cover my living expenses, so my tuition fees are the only expense my family provides for me.
I have made enough money to cover my living expenses, so my tuition fees are the only expense my family provides for me.