And you will vitiate the experiment if you make the slightest attempt to abort it into some fancy figure of your own: for example, your notion of a good man or a womanly woman.
Thus, once on a time, did I also cast my fancy beyond man, like all backworldsmen.
Suddenly there were swords everywhere: fat swords, skinny swords, sharp swords, dull swords, fancy swords, but mostly tiny swords so that one man might carry many of them.
You even have the important insight that you desired damaging men, but don't fancy this good man, who loves you.
Be honest enough to own it, and that what I said in the town was true, though your fancy-man was so up about it - hey, my sly one?
"But I can assure you," she added, "that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing."
Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodate both man and beast. Furry guests at Four Seasons hotels can enjoy gourmet meals served on fine China and sleep in soft beds.
In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.
I fancy that as to his nature and as to his mind he is so, and that but for the supernal criticism, but for his soul, he might be that kind of man in very act and deed.
It has a parallel here: what matters in combat is whether the man beside you can be trusted to do his job, not whether —in less fraught circumstances—he might fancy you.
"When I date a man, I calculate his worth in points," said Hao Hongrui, a 27-year-old trade manager in Beijing. "A handsome face, a big house and a fancy car are important."
Men who aren't tall, dark and handsome can compensate by wearing high-status clothing (no woman, it is said, can resist a man in surgical scrubs) or driving a fancy car.
Really fancy things to buy, do not borrow money. Really love the man on, do.
Howard: I'm a fancy Indian man. We invented pajamas.
Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodate both man and beast.
He kissed her with her unconscious. she didn't know what to do, so she cursed him. that man was embarrassed:"fancy that you are so evil hearted".
And you will vitiate the experiment if you make the slightest attempt to abort it into some fancy figure of your own: for example your notion of a good man or a womanly woman.
How she could dare to fancy herself the chosen of such a man till actually assured of it!
What I fancy I said to Melbury must have been enough to enrage any man.
Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodate8 both man and pets.
She takes a fancy to his northwest man spy some is chivalrous, he takes a fancy to her northwest woman's peculiar guileless.
If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rules reformers cannot fatally interrupt him.
She goes to a fancy beauty salon, gets her hair done, purchases new make-up and buys several new outfits, and dress up very nicely for the man.
Once, as a young man full of exuberant fancy, I undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged "goods" of life.
Once, as a yong man full of exuberant fancy, I undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged "goods" of life.
He's not at all the kind of man I fancy.
In the Assignation, a married woman plans to meet her fancy man when her husband goes to the exchange.
Fate doomed Yunfei to be a fancy man with an up and down life.
Fate doomed Yunfei to be a fancy man with an up and down life.