This lightweight zoom camera will fit comfortably into a fanny pack or coat pocket.
Look, anyone who trades their, trust fund for a Fanny pack.
He's traveling the world for six weeks without a single piece of luggage: no suitcase, no day bag, not even a Fanny pack!
The Fanny pack had been left in the room's safe, replaced by a hooded windbreaker tied around her waist in case of bad weather.
His eyes snared on the teal nylon of the Fanny pack, and it felt as if all sixteen years of his life he'd worn her naivete through the streets like a crown of thorns.
I still had the bright orange fanny-pack emergency kit that I was issued at some point in post 9/11 New York, most of its contents untouched.
I still had the bright orange fanny-pack emergency kit that I was issued at some point in post 9/11 New York, most of its contents untouched.