Evidently the ideas depicted in "Fantastic Voyage" continue to resonate: a remake of the film is due to be released in 2010.
Drug maker Amgen is hoping to sate this morbid sort of Fantastic Voyage with a new Web site that takes viewers through the various stages of tumor angiogenesis in 3-d.
Following the publication last week of the best ever photos of the ovulation of a human egg, we now go, Fantastic Voyage-like, to the first video footage of the moment itself.
As a result, Ariadne is obliged to unearth Cobb's past during the fantastic voyage in Fischer's inner depths: an hour-long action sequence that takes place on several different levels of reality.
Walking through the caves, I feel like a microscopic nano-surgeon from the film Fantastic Voyage, coursing through heavily calcified arteries - perhaps those of a passenger on el Expreso DE la Robla?
Ariel isn't sure how much of this everyone can appreciate. But this time, I truly experienced a fantastic adventure, a kind of Alice in Wonderland voyage.
Ariel isn't sure how much of this everyone can appreciate. But this time, I truly experienced a fantastic adventure, a kind of Alice in Wonderland voyage.