October 2007 - FAO today called for a renewed commitment to guarantee the right to food for the world's hundreds of millions of hungry people.
August 2010, Rome - As efforts continue to save the lives of Pakistanis stricken by monsoon floodwaters, FAO today warned of serious threats to the livelihoods and food security of millions.
In a policy brief published today, FAO said the worldwide rise in food prices two years ago "might have been amplified by speculators in organized futures markets."
January 2008, Rome - Recent avian influenza outbreaks in 15 countries demonstrate that the H5N1 virus remains a global threat and requires close monitoring and strong control efforts, FAO said today.
November 2005, Rome - Dr Jacques Diouf of Senegal was re-elected to a third six-year term as Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today.
April 2006, Rome - 2005 was a record-breaking year for the world rice economy, according to the FAO rice Market Monitor published today.
October 2007, Rome - a new multilateral system for the fair and equitable sharing of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture has become operational, FAO announced today.
April 2008, Rome - World rice production is expected to increase in 2008 by 12 million tonnes or 1.8 percent, assuming normal weather conditions, FAO said today.
March 2008, Rome – The prevalence of avian influenza in Indonesia remains serious despite containment efforts undertaken by national authorities and the international community, FAO warned today.
2008年3月18日,罗马 –粮农组织今天警告说,在印度尼西亚,尽管国家管理当局和国际社会采取了遏制措施,但禽流感疫情仍很严重。
Today, six months after the disaster, FAO estimates that about 80 percent of the salt-affected land that can still be used for agriculture has been cleaned by rainfall or irrigation.
The Iraqis still control a portion of the Fao peninsula. Today the Iraqi artillery attacked the Al-Fao port. No casualty figures are currently available.
And according to the latest FAO estimates, the world will need to produce 60 percent more food than we do today to feed everyone.
Today the Iraqi artillery attacked the Al-Fao port.
Today the Iraqi artillery attacked the Al-Fao port.