God played silent melody, is far less than the sweet instruments played.
The reality of terror, far less than the imagination of terror so terrible.
This is far less than the electric fields that the cells themselves generate.
Most importantly, the fees are far less than the cost of the average mutual fund.
But the wisdom of the ancients with the metaphysical level, is far less than the.
The risk still seems far less than the hazards of whooping cough in the young child.
Third, is the replacement of capital is far less than the shares of listed companies.
The U.S. economy also lost 11, 000 jobs in November, which is far less than the prior month.
There are some so-called friends, but also far less than the enemies of open and aboveboard.
The new ceiling, at just under $23 billion, is far less than the Europeans' equivalent figure.
Well, some people are able to function with far less than the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep a night.
Of course, the counter was also much more than we could afford, but it was far less than the original asking price.
Do not want to eat you can put them on the tree, such as more than preservation is far less than the refrigerator.
The difference in weight is far less than the difference produced by charging the battery, or wiping dust off the screen.
The International Rugby Board stands to make far less than the NZ$300m ($228m) profit it cleared in 2007, when France hosted.
That is above cost but far less than the prices charged by many pharmacy chains, which get profits from fat margins on generics.
America spends only 0.17% of GDP on active labour-market policies, such as training and job search, far less than the OECD average.
There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.
The overhead of adding this processing is often far less than the impact of one high-volume serialized process. An example is shown below
In the classification experiment, we find that the number of the support vector is far less than the number of the training sample number.
Compared with China mobile, China unicom still has many weakness, receiving signal, China unicom at this point is far less than the Chinese mobile.
And the entire Pacific north-west is suffering far less than the "sand states" (California, Nevada and Arizona) from foreclosures and bad mortgages.
While my experience in this specific match-up is far less than the other match-ups, however I do believe this build order is a pretty good one to use.
While my experience in this specific match-up is far less than the other match-ups, however I do believe this build order is a pretty good one to use.
But between 2005 and 2006, the rate of new cases fell by less than 1 percent, far less than the annual decrease of 5 to 7 percent sought by health officials.
但2005年和2006年,全球新增结核患者仅下降不到1%,与官方卫生组织期待的年下降率5 - 7%有很大差距。
When he hurt you again, the wound has already become accustomed to, has been feeling numb, no matter how many times he hurt, far less than the first hurt you.
When he hurt you again, the wound has already become accustomed to, has been feeling numb, no matter how many times he hurt, far less than the first hurt you.