Man, you're going to really make me work here, I have no idea if I can get it that far, ah your friend will help you out. Thank you.
She recalled: "My husband had just pointed out how far the man was swimming from the other people.
On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside.
Man has so far conquered space by painfully and inefficiently blasting himself out of the atmosphere but the 21st century should bring a more leisurely ride to the final frontier.
As far as I can maked out, when a man has shown himself incapable of doing anything else they make him a general.
With sails billowing in the breeze, you can head out to the far reaches of the world to many of the most sought-after destinations known to man.
This Pagani will come in very limited Numbers and at a price point far out of reach of the common man.
After all, they point out, a furnace could infuriate a man even more thoroughly by getting lost than by breaking down, just as a glove could upset him far more by breaking down than by getting lost.
Long long ago, a man got the secret news that there was a holy fire burning in a far-away place, so he set out to look for it, hoping that he could manage to fetch its light to his family.
Long long ago, a man got the secret news that there was a holy fire burning in a far-away place, so he set out to look for it, hoping that he could manage to fetch its light to his family.