So your time scale it just fast enough that this is basically an adiabatic compassion.
Overall in our cold start tests, we observed that with eXtreme Scale, the WebSphere Commerce site tends to reach steady state in about 60% of the time required for dynacache - almost twice as fast!
At the same time, you need Domino to scale well, and to continue offering fast response times as the needs and Numbers of your users grows.
Instead of fast food produced by the assembly lines of giant consortiums, they championed products of small-scale agriculture - time-consuming to prepare, beautiful to behold, very good for you.
But for a multi time scale power system, existence and fundamental characteristics of fast manifolds must also be studied in order to obtain the model reduction condition of fixing slow dynamics.
The condition for the reduction of a three time scale power system model is studied by using the concepts of fast and slow manifolds.
Based on the singular perturbation method and two time -scale decomposition, the flexible - link robot model is decomposed into two subsystems: the slow subsystem and the fast subsystem.
Computation result shows that a series of dynamic multi-images in nanosecond time scale of ultra-fast process can be automatically recorded on a piece of digital hologram.
Given a kind of Method of the fast PID control with changed scale coefficient for solving the problem of long calculated time with MCU in real-time control system.
A fast threshold segmentation algorithm based on pixels grey-scale percentage was put forward to satisfy the real-time requirement of the system.
To achieve real-time 3-D medical image despeckling, a novel fast algorithm and high-performance Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) architecture for 3-D median filter were presented.
The fast rendering for large-scale and complex scenes is the basis of many important application such as virtual reality, real-time simulation, and so on.
And based on the time-scale separation principle, divided the control system into fast loop and slow loop, finish the six degrees of freedom nonlinear coordination simulation.
And based on the time-scale separation principle, divided the control system into fast loop and slow loop, finish the six degrees of freedom nonlinear coordination simulation.