The methods of fatigue crack initiation life predictions under complex load are introduced in this paper.
Finally, examples are given for predicting the fatigue crack initiation life from the tensile properties of steels.
The fatigue crack initiation life for standard titanium alloy TC6 specimens is predicted, and the result is consistent with that of the experiment.
利用该方法预估了TC 6钛合金标准件疲劳裂纹萌生寿命,其结果与试验数据吻合。
The pre-straining prolonged the fatigue crack initiation life, and increased resistance coefficient and equivalent stress threshold of the fatigue crack initiation.
The fatigue crack initiation life of 300M steel is experimentally investigated and a simple method for predicting the fatigue crack initiation life of materia is offered.
A calculating method of the total fatigue life of structural joints is proposed based on a study on both the fatigue crack initiation life and crack growth life of joints.
The fatigue crack initiation life for pipeline connection assemblies is also predicted. The fatigue crack propagation path is analyzed and the fatigue crack propagation life is predicted.
Moreover, the study indicated that the fatigue crack initiation period is the main portion of the total fatigue life at long lives.
The stress whitening can be clearly seen on the fatigue fracture surface and its region is the initiation and nucleation of fatigue crack which is the main part of total fatigue life.
Experiments demonstrate that leaf spring crack results from rust spot as fatigue crack initiation, and in order to improve spring life it must be to improve coating quality.
Fatigue crack initiation is an important period in the whole fatigue life. The damage regularity of crack initial period cannot estimate with fracture mechanics which is used in large crack.
Fatigue crack initiation is an important period in the whole fatigue life. The damage regularity of crack initial period cannot estimate with fracture mechanics which is used in large crack.