Most copyright infringement of OSP is indirect infringement, we should apply fault-liability for the copyright infringement of OSP.
In some ways, tort law can be summed up as: "No liability without fault, no fault without liability."
Part IV: Foundation and function of the fault liability principle.
Part VI: Crisis and countermeasures of the fault liability principle.
Expounded fault liability principle and the principle of responsibility and the presumption of fault principle of no-fault liability and damages the spirit of these principles in the application.
As for the principle of responsibility belongingness, fault liability principle should be applicable.
The characters of the duty are universality in subjects, reasonable limitation in range, complexity in contents and mainly fault liability when the duty is breached.
China's State Compensation should be "no fault" liability and "illegal" the principle of responsibility, has been extended detention of persons to be a comprehensive economic relief.
In order to further clear the concept of dangerous liability and clarify the difference between the related concept, the author also take no-fault liability, strict liability for comparison.
In this modern society with high risks, the imputation principle in responsibility of compensation for accidents changed from fault liability to no fault liability.
The imputative principle of the custody should be based upon fault liability principle, supplemented by equity liability principle.
For infection caused by blood transfusion, if the blood provider has fault, due to the existence of fault liability, the legal remedy for the patients is relatively simple.
Another argument is that product liability for no-fault liability, its are based on civil law article 122 bar and "product quality standard" the provisions of article 41.
It deeply discusses the problems arising from the application of the fault liability principle, such as responsibility, joint fault, comparative fault and demonstration of fault.
Corrective justice as reflected by fault liability doctrine, is in essence merely a specific form, while the base of strict liability doctrine is still correlative justice.
Part II: Fault liability principle defined.
Treated this crime, fault liability should be applied to firstly, auxiliary the strict liability.
Part V: Application of the fault liability principle.
As a way of deducing the existence of a fault, fault deduction is consistent with the characteristics of administrative liability investigation and does not go against the fault liability principle.
The thesis systematically and deeply elaborates the fault liability principle on six parts:Part I : Introduction.
Only on the ocassion when no one can control the venture , we can depart the principle of self liability and fault liability.
It deeply examines the foundation and the function of the fault liability principle from different angles. And it brilliantly expounds the merits of the fault liability principle.
There are mainly three theories on principle for attribution in Chinese contract law: strict liability, strict-fault liability and fault liability which is tenable.
In certain country, strict liability has even been established as a basic legal principle, to certain extent replacing traditional fault liability system in several areas.
Strict liability system is designed to overcome alleged deficiencies in traditional fault liability system.
Then the author points out that the civil liability of trustee is a responsibility of experts, applied the principle of fault liability.
The rationality of the principle of presumptive fault liability of employers can be deduced from the determination of the constitutive requirements as well as the arrangement of liability bearing.
When school assumes civil liability in school injured accident, we should take fault liability as a dominant liability principle and take strict liability as a supplement one.
Force Majeure is a legal reason for exemption embodied in the principle of fault liability, which is applied in determining the liability for tort and contract liability.
Force Majeure is a legal reason for exemption embodied in the principle of fault liability, which is applied in determining the liability for tort and contract liability.