As a News Feature article in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years.
A longer NASA feature article and videos describe the results in greater detail.
The ideal feature article will pique your audience's interest and keep their attention, while informing and entertaining them.
In another feature article, "the humor Gap," Christie Nicholson takes a serious look at what's so funny about humor to men and women.
Time magazine recently published a feature article, "Rethinking Marx" (interestingly, it was available only in Britain), with essentially the same thesis.
They did a story on me once, a whole feature article that won the reporter some big award, so they figured they owed me or something and invited me to this thing.
Earlier this month, Medical News Today ran a Spotlight feature article on the myths of ASD, examining some of the most common misconceptions surround these conditions.
There's an interesting feature article in the Chronicle about doing business in China and the Daily News has printed a report about the special economic zone near Paris.
As for the particularly interesting topic or particularly useful knowledge, in this part of the series also went to great lengths to discuss more feature article, which is a feature of the book.
If you need moisturizing, choose an oil-free moisturizer that contains humectants such as glycerin, Na-PCA and hyaluronic acid, etcetera (see ingredients table in the feature article of cosmetics).
The purpose of this article is to explain this new feature and how to use it to exploit its potential.
The specifics of this feature are detailed in an article listed in Resources.
Occasionally they will feature an article on the topic of home improvement.
A subsequent article in this series describes this Version 6 feature.
A future article will be published shortly on this feature as it needs more extensive explanation.
Since this example application doesn't have validators associated with the components (I'll introduce this feature in the next article), you'll simply advance to the update model values phase.
I wrote an overview article on the Web 2.0 feature pack when it was originally released in 2008.
早在2008年首次发行时,我曾撰写了一篇有关Web 2.0功能部件包的概述文章。
This article is focused only on the OSGi application feature.
The feature we're focusing on in the article is the distributed mode of Infinispan.
The STXX feature used in this article fits in well with the MVC architecture for Web applications.
For large documents, I use Word's Speech feature to have the computer read the article back.
Notice the use of a feature new to this article.
Then jump to the sections presented later in this article for more details on each new feature.
So, in this article we will feature some brilliant examples of Landscape photography.
So, in this article we will feature some brilliant examples of Landscape photography.