A rapid rise or fall in temperature may cause a febrile seizure in a small percentage of children younger than age 5.
Although prolonged febrile seizure is a risk factor of temporal lobe epilepsy, it is not clear whether febrile seizure provokes hippocampal abnormalities.
Others are unable to relate certain parts of the history, such as events related to a febrile illness or a seizure.
Objective To study the relationship between abnormal electroencephalogram(EEG) and brain electrical activity mapping(BEAM) of febrile convulsion(FC) children and their further seizure and relapses.
目的探讨儿童发热性惊厥(FC)时,异常脑电图(EEG)及脑地形图(B EAM)与以后的癫痫发作、FC再发次数的关系。
Objective To study the relationship between abnormal electroencephalogram(EEG) and brain electrical activity mapping(BEAM) of febrile convulsion(FC) children and their further seizure and relapses.
目的探讨儿童发热性惊厥(FC)时,异常脑电图(EEG)及脑地形图(B EAM)与以后的癫痫发作、FC再发次数的关系。