"I think we're unique as a federal agency," USPS official Mike Swigart told me, "because we're in literally every community in this country."
“作为一个联邦机构,我认为我们是独一无二的,”USPS 的官员迈克·斯威格特告诉我,“因为我们几乎在这个国家的每个社区都有设点。”
Official government communications are required to be preserved under federal law.
The Federal Reserve has pegged official rates at 0-0.25% and vowed to keep them low.
An official statement from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs said the Swiss cabinet had frozen all funds belonging to Mubarak or "his circles."
B: Yes, we are an authorized Federal Depository.We can accept the tax payments and issue you an official receipt for your records.
A Federal Reserve official, Kevin Warsh, rattled bond investors late last month by saying increases may come 'with greater swiftness.'
Today, it isn't: the effective federal funds rate (as opposed to the official target, which for technical reasons has become meaningless) has averaged less than 0.3 percent in recent days.
This is the official federal-government highway to Yakutsk, and it is also the only one to get there.
CTM is one of the official developers for the Federal Customs Service of Russia, JSC Russian Railways, and other major public and private companies.
Ending it altogether would have “huge consequences” for “social welfare as a whole”, says Jens Kreuter, the federal official in charge of the service.
把服兵役制度全部废除将给“全社会福利保障”带来“巨大冲击”,联邦负责社区服务的官员Jens Kreuter如此说道。
B: Yes, we are an authorized Federal Depository. We can accept the tax payments and issue you an official receipt for your records.
The United States Code is the official compilation of federal statutes under some fifty title headings.
"The conclusion is that it is a mystery that only she can clear up, " Francisco Assis Guimaraes, a federal police official of the internal affairs division, told reporters.
By the end of 2008 the Federal Reserve, the ECB and the Bank of England had slashed official interest rates.
Yes, we are an authorized Federal Depository. We can accept the tax payments and issue you an official receipt for your records.
WASHINGTON — Federal auto safety regulators on Monday made it official: They are betting the nation's highways will be safer with more cars driven by machines and not people.
One senior federal law enforcement official said this week that investigators still had many unanswered questions.
A federal aviation official says the plane that crashed into a house near Buffalo, killing 50 people, was on autopilot when it went down.
It is a clear violation of federal ethics rules for White House staff members, or any other federal employees, to use their official positions for private gain.
But at least one federal official who helps coordinate nanotechnology research says that much of what the report advocates is being done already.
Notwithstanding official worries about deflation, Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate.
Seasonal adjustments anticipate a rise in claims in the week after the Labor Day federal holiday, and an unadjusted increase in claims fell short of the expected increase, the official said.
Federal Reserve official, Kevin Warsh, rattled bond investors late last month by saying increases may come 'with greater swiftness.
The official GDP was calculated by the Federal Statistics Bureau based in Wiesbaden.
Faulconer, a customs official. Acting on tips from large drug companies, federal officials devised a plan to stop him from doing the same in the United States.
A federal law enforcement official says the male victim is refusing to answer questions about the incident, raising the likelihood that he knew the shooter.
A federal health official says this backs up their testing.
The Official Guide of the program FSAFEDS that the implementation of the Federal Office " of " Personnel Management employees to gain access to the ambassador.
The Official Guide of the program FSAFEDS that the implementation of the Federal Office " of " Personnel Management employees to gain access to the ambassador.