Finally, verify that the trust attributes in the trusted context object on the federated database server actually match the trust attributes that are being presented in your connection request.
Server attributes on the federated database store the characteristics of each data source.
In addition to managing the federation, the federated server is also a full-function relational database with the capability to store and manage local data.
The result of mapping in design time are typically federated views, similar to relational database views, which then can be deployed or created on the federation server.
The application and federated server were co-located on the same machine; the database with the actual tables was on a different, LAN-connected machine.
Registering each database as a server allows data on each of these remote databases to be accessed from the federated system.
The federated server ran applications that referenced nicknames to the actual tables used in the transactions on both back-end DB2 database servers.
After you register the wrapper libraries with the federated database, each data source must be identified to the system as a server.
The federated database relies on server attributes to ensure that the capabilities of each data source are properly exploited.
You must create a server definition in the federated Q Apply server for each Oracle or Sybase database that will be a replication target.
You must create a server definition in the federated Q Apply server for each Oracle or Sybase database that will be a replication target.