Since Version 8, federated database support has become an integral part of the DB2 Connect and DB2 UDB servers and is available for anyone to use without a need to purchase extra products.
从Version8 开始,联邦数据库支持已成为DB2Connect和 DB2UDB服务器的一部分,任何人不需要购买额外的产品就可以使用该功能。
The federated server ran applications that referenced nicknames to the actual tables used in the transactions on both back-end DB2 database servers.
In the federated database we defined servers to access the two DB2 databases and nicknames to map the TPC-H tables from those DB2 databases.
在联邦数据库中,我们定义了服务器来访问这两个DB 2数据库和昵称,以从这些DB 2数据库映射TPC - h表。
In other words, when you deploy DB2 connect servers on Linux, Windows, and UNIX servers, you can create a federated database that an application can connect to.
换句话说,当您在Linux、Windows和UNIX服务器上部署了DB 2Connect服务器时,就可以创建一个联邦数据库,并且应用程序可以连接到这个联邦数据库。
In other words, when you deploy DB2 connect servers on Linux, Windows, and UNIX servers, you can create a federated database that an application can connect to.
换句话说,当您在Linux、Windows和UNIX服务器上部署了DB 2Connect服务器时,就可以创建一个联邦数据库,并且应用程序可以连接到这个联邦数据库。