Karsenty calls this process a "feed-forward" loop, where insulin stimulates the production of osteocalcin, which in turn stimulates more insulin production.
Secondly, the control of position loop was improved by using compound control with velocity and acceleration feed-forward control and digital notch filter control in feeding servo system.
The servo loops include speed control loop and position control loop plus feed-forward control, therefore the system is a compound control system.
It is concluded that the harmonic and reactive current detection behave as just a feed-forward signal in this closed-loop, and it is incapable of improving the compensation accuracy in steady-state.
Decoupled control structure consisting of current feedback and voltage feed-forward is adopted in the inner current control loop which can track the reference current quickly.
Also, to compensate the torque disturbance caused by load variations, a torque disturbance feed-forward is designed in motor speed loop.
Consequently, a dual correction occurs: the feed forward returns as an altered feedback loop which, in turn, feeds into a revised output.
The inner loop adopts the current feed-forward decoupled mode to control the active power and reactive power independently.
The feed-forward block and two close-loop control methods effectively guarantee the calorific value adjusting quality of the burning gas supplying system.
The feed-forward block and two close-loop control methods effectively guarantee the calorific value adjusting quality of the burning gas supplying system.