Power costs around half a shekel, or 15 cents, a kilowatt-hour and feed-in tariffs have recently dipped below 2 shekels.
First, institute national feed-in tariffs or a renewable portfolio standard - two ways to require that utilities buy clean energy in a minimum amount or at a certain price.
首先,制定全国性的收购费率,或者可展期资产标准- - - - -两种途径都要求公用事业公司购买最低额度的清洁能源,或者必须以固定的价格购买。
The cost to European electricity users was enormous: they cover the subsidies, which are known as feed-in tariffs, in their bills.
The committee's only really bad idea is feed-in tariffs—hefty subsidies to renewable energy—of a sort used in many European countries.
Feed-in tariffs there guarantee 25 years of up to triple the market price for solar energy, and legislation would require all new buildings to include solar technology.
那里的强制性入网税(Feed - in tariffs)保证25年将太阳能源的市场价提高最大三倍,同时通过立法让所有的新建建筑中融入太阳能技术。
The committee's only really bad idea is feed-in tariffs-hefty subsidies to renewable energy-of a sort used in many European countries.
That may be overly optimistic: in Germany, where feed-in tariffs began in 2000, there were just 290,000 micro-power installations by the end of 2006.
In the absence of a feed-in tariff, wind power projects with more than 50mw of capacity need to undertake a public bidding process in which low tariffs are the primary criterion for winning.
在没有电网回购(feed - intariff)的情况下,拥有50兆瓦以上容量的风力发电项目需要进行公开招标,低电价成为中标的首要标准。
But Germany has proposed cuts to its feed-in tariffs from July, by 16 percent for rooftop solar power and by 15 percent for ground-mounted panels.
The company has additionally said it believes sales of PV panels will increase 20-25 percent annually, despite European feed-in tariffs declining.
The company has additionally said it believes sales of PV panels will increase 20-25 percent annually, despite European feed-in tariffs declining.