Mothers and infants were enrolled in a trial of vitamin a supplementation during which the infants' weight, length and feeding practices were assessed regularly.
The strategy is a guide for countries to develop policies and implement activities addressing feeding practices and the nutritional status, growth and health of infants and children.
Breast-feeding isn't always easy; it takes some infants and mothers awhile to get the hang of it.
The solution, Dr. Gordon said, is not to quit breast-feeding but to supplement breast-fed infants with vitamin drops, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Objective To survey iodine intake of breast feeding infants and lactating women.
Objective to explore the effect of different concentration aminophylline on feeding intolerance in low birth weight infants (LBWI).
Objective To explore effect of probiotics on improving the feeding intolerance in very low birth weight infants(VLBWI).
OBJECTIVE To study the effect of breast-feeding on infectious disease of infants.
The main reasons include infants' disease, feeding times, sorts of food and feeding behavior.
Objective: To observe the effect of portion intravenous nutrition combined with early micro-feeding in very low birth weight infants (VLBWI).
Infants who spent a lot of time on a ventilator, or who were fairly ill while in the ICU, may have trouble feeding initially.
CONCLUSION: There is close relationship of the feeding behaviors with the nourishing and developing status of the infants.
Often in our rural areas of Guangdong of feeding infants born to the custom of ginseng, and many cases of poisoning.
To determine the effect of feeding hydrolysed formulas on allergy and food intolerance in infants and children compared to adapted cow's milk or human breast milk.
Objective to understand the situation of infants' feeding and correlated family factors for providing theoretical evidence for intervening measures.
Objective To understand the situation of infants' feeding and related family behaviors for providing theoretical evidence for intervening measures.
Conclusions premature delivery should be prevented. And keeping warm, good care and feeding, infection prevention were helpful to the growth of premature infants.
Feeding with a soy formula cannot be recommended for prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants at high risk of allergy or food intolerance.
This paper aims at comparing the effects of INDF and INGF on nutrient intake, physical growth, feeding related complications, and serum prealbumin (PA) level in premature infants shortly after birth.
Objective To compare the effects of two methods of feeding premature infants.
Investigators were not blinded to the study group assignment, but caregivers responsible for the infants' care and for feeding protocol performance were not part of the investigation.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of small dose of insulin on feeding intolerance in preterm infants.
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of trophic feeding in preterm infants.
There is not enough evidence to show any benefit from erythromycin used in large or small doses for the prevention or treatment of feeding problems in premature infants.
To determine which infants benefit, including infants at low or high risk of allergy and infants receiving early, short term or prolonged formula feeding.
The general condition of delivery, family history of the pregnant women, feeding and development of infants were investigated.
Conclusions The incidence of feeding intolerance was different in infants with different birth weight.
Objective:This study was designed to investigate the application of Feeding Index Composite on the growth of infants and young children from a rural area.
Objective :To explore the relationship of feeding volume to necrotizing enterocolitis and increasing body weight in premature infants .
Objective :To explore the relationship of feeding volume to necrotizing enterocolitis and increasing body weight in premature infants .