Is there any better feeling than helping a fellow human being?
s answer to that is to find morality on sentiment, on fellow feeling, empathy for other people.
And his feeling for his friend and fellow soldier have not wavered in the 48 years since he last saw him.
They reported feeling isolated and were much worse at seeking out fellow students, study groups, or counselors to help them adjust.
He was clearly reaching for a Tunisian nationalism and fellow-feeling in speaking like the people do in their homes and on the streets.
But those initial words left me feeling awkward and sorry for my fellow networkers.
To have a sympathizing God we must have a suffering Saviour, and there is no true fellow-feeling with another save in the heart of him who has been afflicted like him.
I remember feeling some shame and even anger at how we can tolerate our fellow human beings to be living in such sub-human conditions.I was also angry at the apparent indifference all around me.
I remember feeling some shame and even anger at how we can tolerate our fellow human beings to be living in such sub-human conditions. I was also angry at the apparent indifference all around me.
The Facebook page is also offering a free week’s vacation in Spain for three consecutive years in a competition called The Best Feeling Ever, the winner being voted for by fellow Facebook users.
西班牙的Facebook页面已经连续三年举办名为TheBestFeeling Ever的比赛,优胜者由Facebook用户选出并将获得一周的免费西班牙假期。
One way of showing fellow feeling is teasing people - gently. People liked to be joshed, but not about anything sensitive.
Wait until they looked down the gauntlet 500 repair electric fellow who leisurely pace, feeling Today is the Moxi has had to call his family from Suizhou own home tomorrow, and then apply inheritance.
The doctor has a fellow feeling for his migraine patients, since he suffers from it himself.
Joe offered no answer, poor fellow, but stood feeling his whisker and looking dejectedly at me, as if he thought it really might have been a better speculation.
There was very pleasant; there is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow-creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort.
But the impetus behind it is clear: pooling risk expresses Asian fellow feeling and common Asian caution about both the International Monetary Fund and further fallout from America's crisis.
The phrase "a fellow-feeling" comes from Schiller's narrative poem Promise.
I now felt sure that the poor fellow had gone crazy in his solitude, and I suppose I must have shown the feeling in my face, for he repeated the statement hotly: "Rich!"
His new book, "the Age of Empathy", looks at altruism and sympathetic fellow-feeling in both humans and other animals.
It was sad saying farewell to the fellow travelers not only for their good company but for the feeling that you had just Shared a very special journey.
It was sad saying farewell to the fellow travelers not only for their good company but for the feeling that you had just Shared a very special journey.