The pack leaders are the male parent and the female parent - usually the father and mother of the other pack members.
Ultimately, the end goal is for every working professional to attain a satisfying level of work-life balance and meaning, regardless of whether they're male, female, parent, or not.
The rise in female employment also seems to have coincided with (or perhaps precipitated) a similarly steep rise in standards for what it means to be a good parent, and especially a good mother.
The new variety of glutinous maize "Jinnuo 3" was obtained using "Ji 203" as female parent and "Ji 202" as male parent.
It is this desire, together with its lack of fulfillment in most families, that brings about stress in the female parent.
The performance of the parent female has improved steadily over the last 5 years.
Haploid embryos which only with chromosome of female parent were obtained due to the chromosome elimination of pollen parent quickly and completely during the heterozygote development.
Dissemination process of mediation, which aims to provide a suitable reader for the publishing needs of the community much possible with high-quality, high efficiency single female parent.
Weiyu 17 is single cross hybrid which was combined with Qi 319 as the female parent and H564 as the male parent.
威玉17是威海市农业科学院以外引系齐319为母本,自选系h 564为父本组配而成的玉米单交种。
This paper reviewed the strategies of producing male sterility by gene engineering and new ways for the reproduction of male sterility lines use as a female parent in hybrid seed production.
These different categories of female parent bear different quantities of seed.
The new sugarcane variety YT00-236 was bred from female parent YN73-204 and male parent CP72-1210 by Zhanjiang Sugarcane Research Center of Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute.
Female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock.
Afterwards, highly weak light-resistant breed with good characteristics of the male parent or female parent is selected from hybridized breeds for cultivation.
In this paper, AFLP was used to detect feather color trait in mule duck and its female parent Beijing duck.
Using WCR lines with CMS cytoplasm as female parent to develop new restorer lines by backcrossing.
Enterprise is the female parent of culture.
The poet fancies to create a kind of great poetry which could surpass both female parent and the male parent. This is undoubtedly great humanity — something of the character of poetry.
The variance analysis of differentially expressed types also show that the influence of male parent to differentially expressed types is larger than female.
Teyou 9322 is a new hybrid medium nonglutinous combination from crossing male parent Yanhui 9322 and female parent Longtefu A by Yancheng Breeding Institute of Rice and Wheat of Jiangsu.
特优93 2 2是江苏省盐城市稻麦育种研究所用龙特甫A为母本,盐恢93 2 2为父本配组选育而成的优质杂交中籼新组合。
The medium pollen is dipped by a cotton swab or a brush pen and applied to the female parent tobacco flower column head for artificial pollination.
Xinwei from Yunnan Red pear pear torch as the male, high-quality Fortunately, the Japanese pear fruit breeding experts for the female parent in New Zealand by nurturing the offspring.
Xinwei from Yunnan Red pear pear torch as the male, high-quality Fortunately, the Japanese pear fruit breeding experts for the female parent in New Zealand by nurturing the offspring.