There doesn't have to be a love fest going on in the locker room, but championship teams need to have players who respect each other and their coach.
The annual jab fest for the seasonal flu is already underway, leaving many grown-ups wondering if the annual stick in the arm is right for them.
Come and be part of our Film Fest!
Go and have this party with us, it's a babe fest.
Beyond Qingshuihe, the road turns into a mud fest.
Even if you're the one graduating, it's a snooze-fest.
FEST-Swing can simplify writing and reading GUI tests, even complex ones.
FEST - Swing可以简化gui测试甚至是复杂测试的编写和阅读。
Sometimes body surfing can turn into an all-out knockdown fest from the ocean.
Such costumes were put on long ago to amuse the audience after the Harvest Fest.
It's a regular love fest between you, the hiring manager, and your future boss.
smells and foods can trigger anything from a queasy tummy to an all-out barf-fest.
In fact, he'd felt a little relieved to be away from the annual holiday-assault fest.
The Lebowski Fest participants meet every year in a bowling alley, of course they do.
That's the hard part of the adventure race, the mud in your face and the suffer-fest.
The bathroom needs a good wipe once in a while, but not a full out, gloves-on scrub fest.
Someone In charge of quality control should unify the prIntIng with the fest of the book.
The good news is Jazz Fest 2011 is not sold out. Matter of fact, Jazz Fest never sells out.
Yes, this is your chance to jump in at the beginning and help put together the best fest yet.
There’s probably not much to read into Microsoft’s love-fest with Twitter today, but you never know.
Victoria Harbor is the site of the magnificent fireworks display on the second day of the Spring Fest.
AG: I help plan Linux Fests, currently working with Atlanta Linux Fest, Southeast Linux Fest and others.
Note the link FEST-Swing added to the screen shot of the desktop, taken at the moment of the test failure.
注意测试失败时FEST - Swing添加到桌面截图中的链接。
FEST-Swing also provides useful abstractions that ensure that access to Swing components is done in the EDT.
FEST - Swing也提供有用的抽象类来确保对Swing组件的访问是在EDT中完成的。
A useful feature of FEST-Swing is its ability to take a screen shot of the desktop at the moment of a test failure.
FEST - Swing的一个非常有用的特性是它能够在测试失败时摄取桌面截图。
In the past few years, more and more people like to watch the Spring-Fest Evening Party in the last day of one year.
Even with the abundance of testing frameworks like TestNG, Selenium, and FEST, the reasons for not testing code are manifold.
Second, , Spring-Fest Evening Party is familiar with the old people, they like to see the familiar faces in the end of the year.
其次,春晚当中的一些老的面孔,他们希望在年底前能够看到这些熟悉的面孔。 e。
In the next three lines, FEST-Swing simulates a user selecting the helloworld.html file located in the system's temporary folder.
在接下来三行中,FEST - Swing模拟用户选择位于系统临时文件夹中的helloworld .html文件。
The hippie-fest Wakarusa used to be held just outside Lawrence, Kansas, but the city tired of having thousands of people descend.
The hippie-fest Wakarusa used to be held just outside Lawrence, Kansas, but the city tired of having thousands of people descend.