The number of fetuses and newborns to die because of a condition some women develop while pregnant has fallen as doctors perfect their timing in inducing labor, a study found.
Thee number of fetuses and newborns to die because of a condition some women develop while pregnant has fallen as doctors perfect their timing in inducing labor, a study found.
一项研究表明,随着医生越来越熟练地掌握了引产时机,因为孕期女性疾病所引发的胎儿和新生婴儿死亡的数量已经减少了。 。
It has not only been observed in infants and in newborns, but also in fetuses of 12-14 weeks' gestational age.
不仅婴儿和新生儿有呵欠行为,就连12 -14周的胎儿也会打呵欠。
It has not only been observed in infants and in newborns, but also in fetuses of 12-14 weeks' gestational age.
不仅婴儿和新生儿有呵欠行为,就连12 -14周的胎儿也会打呵欠。