Objective: To study the effect of fever clinic in the epidemic of SARS.
Methods 877 patients in the fever clinic were compared according to adequacy of fever, length of disease, assessed with SCL-90, evaluated the symptoms of mental health.
方法对877例发热诊室留观的患者,按发热程度、热程长短、病情严重程度分组进行比较,进行SCL- 90(症状自评量表)测查,评估心理健康状况。
East of Xinhe is the town of li Hong, home to a ramshackle clinic billed as a Snail-Fever Control Centre. It still receives up to 30 patients a day.
The boy developed symptoms of fever and headache on 29 March. He was initially treated at a private clinic, then hospitalized in Phnom Penh on 4 April.
Objective To evaluate the clinic effectiveness of the comprehensive psychological intervention in treatment of patients with fever in the epidemic period of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS).
The pathogenic causes and ths clinic characteristics for fever of unknown origin were discussed.
Its clinic feature was irregular fever, anemia, mass and pain in abdomen.
Objective: to observe the validity and security of ibuprofen suspension in treating enfant fever heat of infection, thence provide reference to help choose oral febrifuge in clinic.
The main clinic signs were fever, diarrhea, sensorial disorder of extremity, weakened or disappeared deep tendinous reflect.
Decoction applied on to clinic more than 30 years, it was proven that has effect to flu, mumps, high fever.
Methods To review and summarize the clinic material of infection fever cases.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have many effects in relieving fever and pain and anti-inflammatory, which have been applied in clinic for more than one century.
A high fever, critical to the clinic in the 60 years old, old man should be arranged early outpatient service.
Method Clinic data from 105 patients with dengue fever were retrospectively analyzed.
Conclusion It has theory basis of TCM and clinical research that children pneumonia can be treated based on the theory fever, gloom, phlegm and blood stasis and should be widely applied in clinic.
Conclusion It has theory basis of TCM and clinical research that children pneumonia can be treated based on the theory fever, gloom, phlegm and blood stasis and should be widely applied in clinic.