Viewed from inside the tube, this field looks like an accelerating electrical pulse, and it is this pulse that picks up and carries the electrons-or, if the polarity is reversed, the protons.
The aurora borealis, caused by solar wind particles accelerating along Earth’s magnetic field, would have been visible as far south as present-day New York City.
The analytical expressions for the phase and group velocities of the axial optical field, accelerating potential and energy gain etc. are derived and are used to make numerical analysis.
Based on the previous paper, for accelerating charge in general relativity, we obtained the exact expressions of electromagnetic field and radiating energy.
In the accelerating field, every unit adjusts its current by electric field strength, the total current remaining constant.
In the design of the linear accelerating structure, the coupling factor between cavities is a crucial parameter. The error of coupling factor accounts for the electric or magnetic field error mainly.
In range of low input voltage, the step of accelerating a low energy electron to a high energy electron with electric field is rate controlling of the discharge chemical reaction of co and H_2.
In range of low input voltage, the step of accelerating a low energy electron to a high energy electron with electric field is rate controlling of the discharge chemical reaction of co and H_2.