Neither the miner nor the logger can be dispensed with, any more than can the chemist at the factory or the worker in the oil field -- paraffin being a by-product of petroleum.
A worker ploughs a field in front of the Kendal Power Station, a coal-fired power station in Witbank, in South Africa's Mpumalanga province.
Several years of experience in the health field as a health care professional or as a community or social service worker are usually required.
Previous experience as a worker in the water treatment or wastewater field may be required.
If you want to succeed as a worker, a businessman, or in any field, give generously of yourself, your time, and your energy.
At that time, the social work would be permeated through each field of community service, will help those social workers to help the people of theirs, and I, will become a social worker very proudly.
A worker then asked Douglas who else had been in the house, and it was soon determined that the victim in the field was Kerri.
Interning is a great way to gain real world experience in a given field before actually committing yourself to that job as a full-time worker.
The system of detecting and intelligent tracking to the dynamic goal can make use of computer to replace the job which worker do in the field such as warehouse, transformer substation and bank.
Hence, how to appraise the performance of knowledge worker appropriately, effectively and impersonality is really a big question in the field of Human Resource Management.
One worker could finish the whole process on this equipment by once setting up. It's the highest automative type in the domestic field.
As she works in the field, her mind occasionally turns to her deceased husband, the man with a loud voice who was a quick and excellent worker in the field.
Ref. The worker-bees after a hard day in the field return to the hive, and after depositing their evening harvest, take their stand and begin fanning with their wings.
The utility model provides an arbitrary Angle arbitrarily bisector, belonging to the field of a teaching appliance, a drawing tool, a lining tool for a bench worker, a machine tool accessory, etc.
The utility model provides an arbitrary Angle arbitrarily bisector, belonging to the field of a teaching appliance, a drawing tool, a lining tool for a bench worker, a machine tool accessory, etc.