Consider this example: we have Tasks a and b, both of which we've estimated at eight days each, taking a total of 16 days in our schedule, as shown in the upper portion of Figure 1.
Unlike many of the men they oversee, the new sheriffs of Wall Street never aspired to eight-figure compensation packages or corporate suites.
Every eight years or so, that figure rose to almost 3, 500 cubic metres.
The United States Coast Guard says that over the past eight months 3,846 Cubans have made the trip—a 7.5% increase on last year's already high figure for the same period.
Then we started farming and that figure went down to around eight.
Despite this heady figure, the tranche of shares being marketed to institutional investors is over eight times oversubscribed; the one for individuals, almost 30 times.
Imagine a giant figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet in front of you.
As Figure 2 illustrates, approximately 30,000 IOPS were measured on the front end, which is an excellent number considering only eight (8) EFDs were used.
This figure is around eight times higher than previously thought, the data suggest.
Because the cube has eight vertices, one way to supply normals would be to specify vectors that point from the cube's center toward its corners, as Figure 7a shows.
VERTEX_POSITIONS defines eight vertices in the same order, as shown in Figure 1a.
VERTEX _ POSITIONS以同样的顺序定义了与图1a相同的8个顶点。
Now turn the 8 on it’s side. Now trace the figure of eight with your eyes, slowly.
When I pulled into the property, I could see two functioning test models of Skyride weaving in and out of the trees and cornfields; one a figure-eight track, the other an eighth of a mile around.
Now turn the 8 on it's side. Now trace the figure of eight with your eyes, slowly.
Analemmas may also appear for observers on the surfaces of other planets, based on orbital calculations, but for some worlds the shape of the sun's path wouldn't trace a figure eight.
That figure seems completely insane. It means that even if they work for 24 hours a day, they are laying over eight meters of track every minute.
That means taking pictures 51 minutes later each day for a lunar month produces a similar figure eight in the sky.
Figure eights - The figure eight is a favorite of many women.
He will remain as non-executive chairman, continuing to command an eight-figure salary, after Alan Schwartz, a trusted lieutenant, takes over as chief executive.
If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state, then the cost of the cigarettes is twenty-seven cents. This figure includes the sales tax.
There are eight ODC attributes in total, as shown in Figure 1.
It comes just 12 years since the total reached six billion - with official estimates saying the figure will top eight billion in 2025 and 10 billion before the end of the century.
It's been eight years since America's been led by such an intelligent, inspirational figure as Obama. A President who thinks before he speaks.
Using computer models, Furey has worked out that flying kites in a figure of eight pattern means the air flowing over them travels even faster than the ambient wind speed.
The Mozart style uses eight different images to create buttons. These images are stored in the img\mozart directory, within theme, as depicted in Figure 17
Mozart样式使用8 个不同的图像来创建按钮。
The night every second. My mind is a god that graceful figure of eight.
Figure 2: Eight lines of Perl code.
Eight-four percent of respondents said that 10 percent of their organization's IT was in the cloud, and 23 percent put that figure at more than 50 percent.
Most birds flap their wings up and down, but hummingbirds move their wings in a figure-eight pattern.
The professional basketball player just signed an eight-figure contract.