Copy the Buy event file to the location specified in the file connector, for example, c: \ WBE \ test \ Buy.
将Buy事件文件复制到文件连接器中指定的位置,例如c: \WBE \test \ Buy。
Multiple machines can be used for more virtual users, but these would need to have their own copy of the test data file.
Copy your CSS file to the same test folder.
To run the test client, copy the generated JAR file to the WEB-INF/servicejars directory of your Axis2 server installation and then type ant run on the console.
要运行测试客户机,将生成的JAR文件复制到Axis2服务器安装的WEB-INF/servicejars目录中,然后在控制台中输入ant run。
But you may want to test that the changes are as you expect by using a copy of your menu.lst file with a new name.
通常应该修改menu . lst,但是我们可能会希望通过使用menu . lst副本来测试所有的修改是否都像我们所期望的那样。
Copy the file from <install directory of RQM>\migration folder to a temporary folder on the Rational ClearQuest test manager client machine.
将 CQTM2RQMMigration.zip文件从<installdirectoryofRQM>\migration文件夹复制到RationalClearQuestTestManager客户端机器上的一个临时文件夹中。
Modify the default package by including a file copy task so that the backed-up file is copied from production into test.
Modify the default package by including a file copy task so that the backed-up file is copied from production into test.