There should be several files in that subdirectory containing the RSS feed items received from each of the RSS feed providers, which the user has specified in the feed sources input XML file.
该子目录下有几个文件,包含从每个RSS提要提供者处收到的 RSS 提要条目,而这些提要提供者则由用户在提要源输入XML文件中指定。
In the interface file you can see that there is a tag which contains an and also a tag which represents the port I have already chosen.
The file might not be there, in which case you need to take special action.
There are lists of team information in the Gadget code which we might want to keep as data in a text file somewhere, rather than having it in the code itself.
The defaults are very reasonable, but there are certain options like making sure there are no stray keys in the file, which is very useful.
默认值都十分合理,但是某些选项需要确保plugin . properties文件中没有散乱的键,这非常有用。
You can see in the implementation file that there is a tag which contains a tag.
您可以在实现文件中看到有一个标记,它包含一个 标记。
For all practical purposes, there are few instances in which directly embedding style information into an MXML file makes sense.
For example, there is an evstat implementation that can be used to monitor attribute changes on multiple files, which could have been used in the HTTP file solution in Listing 4.
The next level of complexity is the scenario in which there are multiple servers in a Lotus Domino cluster, but each mail file isn't located on every server in that cluster.
There is also a SEI file which holds all the operations in the Web service.
In the liblber directory, there is a file called which contains a list of the files used to build liblber.a.
在liblber目录中,有一个名为Makefile . in的文件,其中包含用来构建liblber .a的文件列表。
Also in the file, there is a setting called Webappurl, which refers to the Lotus Workplace Web Content Management context.
此外,在config . properties文件中,有一个称为Webappurl的设置,它指向LotusWorkplaceWebContentManagement上下文。
There are 78 standard mouse cursor shapes in X11, the names of which can be found in the header file cursorfont.h, which in a typical installation can be found in the /usr/X11/include/X11/ directory.
我们已经将画布清理干净(将画布的背景色设置为“白色”),并且当鼠标移至画布时,光标变为交叉(在X11中有 78种标准的鼠标光标形状,其名称可以在头文件 cursorfont.h 中找到,典型安装时,这个头文件可以在/usr/X11/include/X11/目录中找到。)
There are 45 other file formats which can store more than one image when used with ImageMagick, a pointer to the complete list is referenced in the Resources section of this article.
当与ImageMagick 一起使用时,还有其他45 种文件格式可以存储不止一个图像,本文的参考资料部分有一个链接指向其完全列表。
There are many right-and-interest conflicts in file management which needs legal adjustment.
This is a guide to using Image and File Attachments, about which there is some confusion as to functionality in WordPress 2.5.
This is a guide to using Image and File Attachments, about which there is some confusion as to functionality in WordPress 2.5.