The specified file is read only.
Since each file is read only once, caching is not needed.
The disadvantage is that this is a read-only technique like the INI file.
The model file is passed as a parameter during index creation and is only read during index creation; later changes do not affect existing indexes.
Informix: if the data format is specified as Informix, the data read (or written) from (or to) the file is in the binary format that can be decoded only by Informix.
A better approach is to let the Twisted server itself hold a file handle for the log file, and only read new records when needed.
更好的办法是让t wisted服务器自己拥有一个针对日志文件的文件句柄,只在需要时才读取新记录。
The cramfs file system is a compressed read-only Linux file system that can exist within flash devices.
The transaction log is stored as a sequential disk file (or sometimes in a raw partition) and will generally only be written to, not read from, except in the case of rollback or recovery.
It is not automatically mounted and will mount as a read-only file system.
Each snapshot is mountable as a read-only file system.
The OS file system is read-only for protection.
Trying to open for writing a file which is read only, or which is actually a directory.
Of course, the strike group can also read the file, but if I'm the only member of that group, the permission is somewhat moot.
Usually this password can be set to the root password, since it is only root who can read the grub.conf file anyway.
通常这个口令可以设置为root口令,因为无论如何也只有root才可以读取grub . conf文件。
Modify control: control the outgoing file is allowed to co - operate the file for the two edit. Unauthorized, the file can only be read can not be modified.
If the name assigned to a new rollover file is already used by an existing file, the existing file is overwritten unless it is read-only.
Where possible, it is more secure to create the file during deployment, and only grant Read privileges to a single file, rather than to grant create privileges for a folder.
Loads and displays the current MPC Report file. The file is opened in read only mode, so you can not edit it.
TheCode definition window is a read-only editor view that displays the definition of a symbol in a code file stored in, or referenced by, the active project.
If a code file contains a syntax error, shapes displaying code in that file will be temporarily read-only until the syntax error is fixed.
If you overwrite the file, the new copy is no longer read-only.
Where possible, it is more secure to create the file during deployment, and only grant Read access to a single file, rather than Create access for a folder.
The input data will be read from each file in turn. The complete array will be walked to ensure that it only contains valid filenames before any data is compressed.
If the specified file does not exist, it is created; if it does exist and it is not read-only, the contents are overwritten.
Ensure that the file is not marked read-only and the solution is not running.
If the file is Read-only, you may need to make the file writable from within the file properties dialog box.
However, we only have one main thread and one call-stack, so in case there is another request being served when the said file is read, its callback will need to wait for the stack to become empty.
Snapshot is a read-only copy of file system, the snapshot in network attached storage can be applied to live backup or recovering removed files.
If you are attempting to access a file or registry key, make sure it is not read-only.
Another cause may be that the file is read-only.