The reservoir was filling with water.
The ship had hit an iceberg and the lower levels of the vessel were filling with water.
The baikal valley dropped away eventually filling with water and creating the deepest of the world's lakes.
Have recommended the collision experimental result of the model of the capsule scheme filling with water design the pier anticollision device of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge tentatively.
With the front two-thirds filling with water, the vehicle shuddered repeatedly from the flood's force. "We're still moving," Rogers told his shivering companions. "We could roll over at any time."
Start the day by filling up a half-gallon jug with water (or any combination of smaller bottles that equals 64 ounces).
Their notable finds included a deep-sea shark that swells its size by filling its stomach with water to scare off other predators, and a starfish that eats only driftwood.
Before filling the containers, clean them with dish washing soap and water, and rinse them completely so that there is no residual soap.
"Like this," he said, pantomiming filling a bowl with water and dumping it over his head.
Two days later, your mother and father are discussing survival, and filling jugs with water from the tap just in case.
Recent attempts to keep the reactor cool by filling the containment chamber with water have run into difficulty.
To scare off predators, this shark can balloon to twice its normal size by filling its stomach with air or water.
Remove weeds by filling a spray bottle with an ounce of vodka, several drops of liquid dish soap, and two cups of water.
But the strategy is angering those in the northern suburbs, where neighbourhoods are filling up with water as the sluice gates remain closed.
You can easily demonstrate the first way by filling a bucket with tap water and leaving it on the back porch for several days.
And I saw in front of me valleys that were stark, that had no trees, and that were filling the Yellow River with sediment from the water coming down the hills.
RESCUING Banks can be like filling a bath with the plug out. It won't work if water flows out faster than it pours in.
When it came to filling up the tank, the water had to be applied with a syringe to ensure the arrangement was not disturbed.
After filling it with water, he keeps gazing at it. Will a water monster come cheer him up? Why not go to the sea instead?
On the first filling of the hot water heating system or refilling after maintenance, air in the piping and radiation must be removed and the whole system filled with water.
Teaching Motto: Education is not filling a bucket with water, but light a fire.
If you keep filling a ship with stuff, something will eventually go overboard and fall into the water.
When filling the system with water, open valves to tank to ensure any water or air remaining in the bladder from factory testing is displaced prior to placing the tank in operation.
A common approach is hydrostatic testing-filling a closed pipeline section with water, then pressurizing the line to a specified pressure to check for leaks.
Jacob is filling the pool with water.
We carried on and fell into many puddles knee deep, filling our wellies with muddy brown water and cow manure, not a great combination.
Operating weight and ground contact pressure can be adjusted by filling water or wet sand with greater adjusting scope.
Results: (1) The several layers of gastric wall were displayed on 54.3%(19/35) of cases with the moderate or plentiful water-filling method.
The consolidating filling material with high water content denoted in this paper is a new type of composite cement material.
The consolidating filling material with high water content denoted in this paper is a new type of composite cement material.